
Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

Oxford Handbook of Dental Patient Care_2nd Edition

Oxford Handbook of Dental Patient Care_2nd Edition


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Hurst's the Heart, 13th Edition 2011

Hurst's the Heart, 13th Edition 2011

Product Description
The trusted landmark cardiology resource—thoroughly updated to reflect the latest clinical perspectives Includes DVD with image bank
Through thirteen editions, Hurst’s the Heart has always represented the cornerstone of current scholarship in the discipline. Cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and internists from across the globe have relied on its unmatched authority, breadth of coverage, and clinical relevance to help optimize patient outcomes. The thirteenth edition of Hurst’s the Heart continues this standard-setting tradition with 19 new chapters and 59 new authors, each of whom are internationally recognized as experts in their respective content areas.
Featuring an enhanced, reader-friendly design, the new edition covers need-to-know clinical advances, as well as issues that are becoming increasingly vital to cardiologists worldwide. As in previous editions, you will find the most complete overview of cardiology topics available—plus a timely new focus on evidence-based medicine, health outcomes, and health quality.

New Features
• 1548 full-color illustrations and 578 tables
• Companion DVD with image bank includes key figures and tables from the text
• The Cardiovascular Disease: Past, Present, and Future section includes a new chapter on assessing and improving quality of care in cardiovascular medicine
• The section on the scientific foundations of cardiovascular medicine has been thoroughly revised
• 2 new chapters in the section on the evaluation of the patient detail the process of effective diagnostic decision making based on technology, clinical trials, and practice guidelines
• A new chapter in the section on heart failure details cardiac transplantation
• The sections on primary heart disease include new chapters on topics such as preventive strategies for coronary artery disease and updated pharmacologic strategies for acute coronary syndromes
• The section on cardiopulmonary disease features new chapters on chronic cor pulmonale and sleep disorder breathing and its relationship to cardiovascular disease
• The section on valvular heart disease has four of the six chapter completely rewritten by new authors who are authorities in the field
• The final six sections feature new chapters on the environment and heart disease, surgical treatment of carotid and peripheral vascular disease and cost effective strategies in cardiology

About the Author

Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC, FAHA
Richard Gorlin, MD/Heart Research Foundation
Professor of Cardiology
Director, Mount Sinai Heart
Director, The Zena and Michael A. Wiener Cardiovascular
Institute and Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Center for
Cardiovascular Health
The Mount Sinai Medical Center
New York, NY
Richard A. Walsh, MD, FACC, FAHA
John H. Hord Professor and Chairman
Department of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
University Hospitals of of Cleveland
Cleveland, OH
Robert A. Harrington, MD, FACC, FAHA
Richard Sean Stack, MD Distinguished Professor
Professor of Medicine
Director, Duke Clinical Research Institute
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC

Associate Editors:
Sharon A. Hunt, MD

Professor of Medicine
Division of Cardiology
Stanford University School of Medicine
Palo Alto, CA
Spencer B. King III, MD, MACC
Saint Joseph's Heart and Vascular Institute
Professor of Medicine Emeritus
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA
Chief Medical Officer
Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Associate Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of Health Policy and Evidence
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York, NY
Eric N. Prystowsky, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS
Consulting Professor of Medicine
Duke University Medical Center
Director, Clinical Electrophysiology Laboratory
St. Vincent Hospital
Indianapolis, IN
Robert Roberts, MD, FRCP(C), MACC, FAHA
President and CEO
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Professor of Medicine and Director
The Ruddy Canadian Cardiovascular Genetics Centre
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
Eric Rose, MD
Edmond A. Guggenheim Professor and Chair
Department of Health Evidence and Policy
Professor, Departments of Medicine (Cardiology), Surgery,
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Associate Director for Clinical Outcomes, Mount Sinai Heart
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York, NY
Product Details
• Hardcover: 2500 pages
• Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
• 13 edition (December 27, 2010)
• Language: English
• ISBN-10: 0071636463
• ISBN-13: 978-0071636469

A Well-Known Standard Book In Cardiology

CHM file
Size:214 MB





Benefits of green apple

About Green Apple

Apples from the fruit important in the prevention and treatment, and for it to taste three kinds of
"Sweet, bitter, sour," A proverb (one apple every day keeps the doctor away).
Benefits of green apples:
The benefits of green apples that spoil quickly and can be cooled 6 months without going bad.
Public benefits of green apples:
1) wash the teeth and strengthens gums because it contains oxalic acid.
2) Fight the ill effects of cholesterol that accumulates in the arteries of the body..
3) Finds the body of toxins, because the fruit of apples have a characteristic attack the virus
4) addresses the severe diarrhea and constipation.
5) Calms the cough and sputum production easier.
6) Is useful in acute inflammatory diseases and to contain the shell material pectin.
7) Helps to break up gallstones..
8) Is rich in acid resistance of cancerous tumors.
9) The likelihood that an anti-bone fragility of the material it contains boron.
10) Strengthens lung function and reduces the risk of lung cancer.
11) Contains fiber-rich bacteria that help the freshness of the skin.

Five Reasons to eat an apple a day:
First: for a healthy diet: eating apples easy and delicious and gives you energy not contain any fat ..
Second, for your heart: because research confirms that the apple contains a substance fight the ill effects of cholesterol that accumulates in the arteries of the body.
Third, the stomach: it contains five fibers necessary to clean the digestive system.
Fourth: your lung: Eating an apple a day strengthens lung function and reduces the risk of lung cancer.
V: I have your bones: a substance that contains apples Boron which strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

The use of apples in the treatment:
1) grab the chest: the use of apple, peeled and mashed well and put it on the chest for half an hour at least every day.

2) For the treatment of vomiting: drink apple juice with a tablespoon of olive oil, and before eating as much as a cup.
3) To clean the teeth yolk: taken from the apple peel and rub the teeth bit.
4) for rheumatism and gout and diuresis: Boil 30 grams of apple peel in about a quarter of a liter of water for a quarter of an hour and drink from this boiled 4 glasses per day.
5) For the treatment of cough: eaten apples mixed with sugar and anise plant.
6) For the treatment of diarrhea: grated apple mixed with yogurt to be adjunct therapy of diarrhea.